Carbon Sync attends Net Zero Event at Carnamah

Carbon Sync Founder and CEO, Louise Edmonds, attended yesterday’s “Climate Solutions and Navigating the Net Zero Transition for Agriculture” at Carnamah, Western Australia (WA). The event was coordinated by AgZero2030 with sponsorship from the WA Government and industry partners.

There was an in-depth information exchange throughout the day, guided by a range of presenters. Presenters included representatives from the Western Australian government, agriculture industry, science, technology, academia and financial services.

The purpose of the event was to facilitate climate and decarbonisation conversations through the agricultural industry and to build climate and carbon literacy.

The presentations included topics including:

  • a financial services institution’s response to environmental responsibility;

  • WA Government representatives discussing WA climate trends and projections;

  • an academic perspective on climate change and the insurance industry; and

  • topics such as ‘de-carbonising the farm’ and ‘soil carbon sequestration policy’.

’“It really was a showcase of the latest thinking on net-zero agriculture from some of the cream of Western Australia’s agricultural and climate change leaders,” Ms. Edmonds said. “I was fortunate to be included as part of the audience and ended the day feeling very optimistic about WA’s future efforts to reduce greenhouse gas in our atmosphere,” she added.

Fleur Hull

Fleur has more than two decades of experience as a marketing and PR project manager. After more than 15 years working in marketing and strategy in Australian universities, in 2018 Fleur set up the marketing and public relations function for, a blockchain renewable energy start-up.

Fleur is a passionate advocate for climate-change mitigation and became excited by the possibilities of regenerative agriculture after viewing the Netflix documentary, “Kiss the Ground”.


Western Australian Carbon Farming Land Restoration Program