Our Partnerships

Carbon Sync is an outward-facing organisation that believes in forming partnerships with like-minded organisations to help farmers improve their soil health and engage in agricultural decarbonisation and ecosystem restoration.

Our work is research- and science-led, and our research partnerships are integral to ensuring proven approaches are accessible to soil carbon farmers. We also strongly believe in supporting rural communities and currently sponsor Western Australian grower groups to provide education and extension for soil carbon farming and its benefits.

Our Research Partnerships

  • Zero Net Emissions Agriculture CRC

    Zero Net Emissions Agriculture CRC

    Carbon Sync is a Foundation Partner in this multi-stakeholder approach to transitioning Australian agriculture to net-zero, healthy, resilient, and profitable food systems by 2040.

  • Nature Positive Economy CRC

    Nature Positive Economy CRC

    Carbon Sync is a Partner in the bid under development to be submitted to the Australian Government for funding support in March 2024.

    This CRC aims to develop future carbon and nature solutions that enable economic, environmental and social outcomes.

Our Grower Group Sponsorships

  • Mingenew-Irwin Group (MIG)

    Mingenew-Irwin Group (MIG)

    Carbon Sync is an annual sponsor of MIG, which is a farmer community-driven grower group that covers approximately 320,000 hectares within the Geraldton Port Zone. MIG strives to share, adapt and create a space where farmers can openly come together to learn through information and education programs and workshops.

  • Facey Group

    Facey Group

    Carbon Sync is an annual sponsor of the Facey Group, which is a not-for-profit grower-led group embodying relevant and localised research, extension, information and networking.

    Facey Group covers the Top of the Avon and Blackwood River Catchments. Founded in 2001 as an incorporated association, Facey Group aims to build the aptitude of member businesses and farming practices.